Visual Environments
This year I have had the privilege of studying with Annette Barbier in her class Visual Environments. Visual Environments is a studio course dealing with installation; including site-specific works and an intense examination of intention versus reception, and personal process. The class culminates in an exhibition of individual installation works.Annette has done it all. She began as a sculpture artist, moved into video, and then to exploring new technologies, computer animation, and net art. Last semester I took the class Public Art with her, where we made augmented reality applications for our smart phone.
This class has been tremendously beneficial for me in that it has challenged me to refine my pre-visualization and documentation strategies. That, unfortunately, hasn’t been a huge part of my process until now and it’s proved to be most helpful.
It’s also been exciting to see the evolution of my colleague’s and my work from the last year to now. I’m excited about the work being made in our program. I’m excited about the ideas being explored in the work. Check out what we’ve been doing on our class blog.