“Oh, the Places You’ll Go”
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The path leading to grad school varies for the individual. There are different moments, events and/or revelations that lead one to travel down this road of wonder. The days before are filled with an anxious excitement, your body and mind not sure of what will come next. As you are catapulted into the world of wonder, your life begins to rush past you; flashes, chunks, moments of grandeur, and the ones that once seemed insignificant all begin to connect themselves creating a tapestry of your life for you to look upon and reflect. [flickr id=”10349861013″ thumbnail=”medium” overlay=”true” size=”medium” group=”” align=”none”]Last week in visual art class we went to the paper-making studio and hand-made sheets of paper. When I think of grad school I don’t necessarily think of making paper as being part of the study or practice. But, that experience was one of the most fulfilling I’ve had since I’ve been in school. There was something extremely rewarding about creating something with your hands. Paper is a commodity we usually take for granted or don’t really think about on a daily basis, so to be able to make something so mediocre special was an exceptional treat. I’ve been learning more and more that things that may seem mediocre are already, or can be made into, exceptional things or experiences.
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Since starting school I’ve also been directing a show at MPAACT Theatre, which opened this Sunday. In the world of academia and art-making it is easy to lose sight of the desires of yourself (artist). But, just when you feel as if you have lost sight of self, something as simple as a paper-making class comes along and you are reminded of the wise words of Dr. Seuss “Oh, the places you’ll Go.”