Admitted Student Day – April 5, 2013
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Friday the 5th was the Admitted Student Day for the Music Composition for the Screen MFA program here at Columbia College Chicago. We were fortunate to have so many visitors that were able to come that day, and it was wonderful to meet you!
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The day started in the Graduate Student Center where the graduate staff took questions and explained logistics about the program, the city, housing, and just about anything else you could think of. It was insightful, and we are grateful to the staff that took the time to help us there.
Lunch followed, and and a few other current students and I were able to get to know the students a little better, after which we went over to the music building to check out our room where the magic happens. The program directors and graduate staff weren’t there, and we were able to be very open and honest about the program and any topics that were brought up. It was a wonderful meeting.
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Then we headed over to the Chicago Recording Company where students were getting their works recorded by Chicago Symphony Orchestra players. It is always great to be in that room and with amazing players. We are especially glad Admitted Student Day fell on the same day as the recording so everyone could check it out.
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After the recording session, admitted students got some time to talk with David, the program director. He was able to answer other questions and let them get to know his personality and teaching style.
All in all, it was a successful day and a lot of fun to get to know all of the students. Hope to see you in the Fall!