Weather Blues
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There are some days where you wish you’d rather be somewhere else, and I think the cold that’s been going on for the past five months is finally getting to me. I love Chicago—it’s the greatest American city, in my opinion. But this weather? It has got to go! I was scrolling through pictures tonight and found the one above. I took it in 2011, right before I moved to Chicago. It’s a picture of the pool at my old condo in Fort Myers, Florida (Dunk City!—have you SEEN how incredible FGCU is doing in March Madness? Yeah, I still actually work for that school and have my MA from there—no big deal), and sometimes, despite how much I didn’t really enjoy living in Florida, I want to go back.
Like, today. It’s currently Spring Break as I write this, and I wasn’t able to go anywhere warm for the break. I’m a southern boy—I think winter exists in the temperature range of 45-60, and we wear light sweaters from 60-70 degrees. Today’s a day I wish I was somewhere else, somewhere warm and pleasant and not barely getting above freezing.
If I could go anywhere, it would be a place that had a beach with pretty active waves, water that was clear and full of vibrant colors of fish, had ample hammocks in which I could sprawl and read, and a lot of good music playing from a beach bar cabana nearby. There would be a few good friends hanging around, a Frisbee would be in play, and no one would get a sunburn. Yeah, that’s my ideal place.
Maybe it’s just the weather. It finally hasn’t been as grey as it was for about a month. I think I understand Seasonal Affective Disorder a bit. I think the weather gets everyone down in the dumps some. So, to combat this, I’ve been thinking of that pool at my old condo, of sitting and having a drink with a good friend, vegging under the sun before an afternoon shower rolls in, and just enjoying warmth.
What about you, MarginAliens? Do you think of warm places when you’re super cold? Add to my margins, as always.