Spring 2013 Class Registration: Yet More Balancing
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I was thinking about what my next blog topic should be whilst doing the shopping at Trader Joe’s. As I picked up my usual box of Balance Bars, I considered the word “balance” and then it struck me. With class registration for next semester looming, I needed to figure out my class options and how to balance them in my final semester at Columbia. The big question is which options to choose? Do I want to acquire more hard skills or soft skills? Do I want to continue to intern, or should I undertake an independent or directed study, or both? What about practicum classes? Hmmmmnnnn…decisions decisions…This semester has been so hectic that I am wondering how I can reduce the workload in my final semester. I have a feeling it won’t be possible. I have to take 12 credits to finish in May, so for me, that means at least 3 “in-class” credits (including directed and/or independent studies) and probably an internship. For students starting in fall 2013, the last semester (if you are enrolled full time) is going to change. You will do three core classes and one elective in your first two semesters. In your third semester you will do two core classes and an elective, leaving the final semester open for four electives.
As for actual classes, the choice is different from what it has been in previous years, because the department is streamlining and tightening up the program as it continues to evolve. The image below lists the courses I am able to register for next semester.
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I have taken quite a few of those classes already (for the inside scoop email me), but I have to take Strategic Planning, as it is my final core class. As for the rest…we shall see, but it will probably be one more class, a directed study, and an internship. That is about as balanced a line-up as I can get, I think. Who am I kidding? The last semester was always going to be crazy busy. Good thing I have those Balance Bars to get me through it.
So how does registration at Columbia work? Well, each semester, a deadline is set for when classes are announced, and then shortly after that registration opens. Registration is done through the OASIS student portal, where you can see all the courses offered and build your schedule accordingly. You have to act quickly, as classes soon fill up! For new students, registration for their first semester begins at the New Graduate Student Orientation just before the start of the fall semester.