Becoming a Member of the American Dance Therapy Association (ADTA)
Just recently I applied to be a member of the American Dance Therapy Association (ADTA). It may seem as though membership is only allowed for Dance/Movement Therapists, but there are special memberships for high school, undergraduate, and graduate level students, as well as for international students.
So, why did I decide to become a member and what benefits does a student have as a member? Being a member of the American Dance Therapy Association provides all sorts of opportunities—not just for those who are already Dance/Movement Therapists but also for students! By becoming a student member, I have the ability to interact with others by means of the online forum. Although the forum may be accessed by the public, only members have the ability to submit posts. This is a great way to network with others in the field, as well as keep up on current news and research. I can even subscribe to the forum, so I receive an email every time a new post has been made. Job listings and workshops are sometimes posted here, too. I have even seen other graduate students use the forum as a means to find participants for their theses. Each member also has access to a Membership Directory, which is a great way to connect and keep in touch with others.
While I did have to pay a fee to become a part of the organization, I have gained all sorts of financial perks! Membership includes a subscription to the American Journal of Dance Therapy (AJDT), which will be an especially great tool to have when I am are working on my thesis or researching for other classes. It is also a great way to stay updated on news and developments in the field. Student membership even allows me access to reduced conference rates. Speaking of which, the ADTA will be having their 47th annual conference this October 11–14 in Albuquerque, New Mexico. Registration is still open if you are interested in taking part (and yes, members do have a reduced fee!).
Besides all of the benefits, becoming a member gives me an opportunity to take part in an organization that is actively promoting the growth and development of the dance/movement therapy profession. Being a student member allows me to become more involved in the profession and better understand the changes and growth that are occurring in the field. If you are interested in becoming a member or just learning more about ADTA, be sure to check out their website!
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