AEMMing High During my Last Semester
- AEMM graduate students. Picture taken by Dr. Terri Lonier and edited by Nikki Hartel.
I started my Columbia adventures in fall of 2010, I have since completed three semesters of a full 12 credit course load, J-term, and summer internship, totaling 38 credits. I have 10 credits to go and now that I have started my final semester, I have begun to come to terms with the true meaning of what that means.
Orientation felt like it was yesterday, I still remember that feeling of butterflies as I walked to orientation. It is important that I make the most of my last semester. I need to continue to work hard, absorb as much information as possible, participate in extra curriculars, and enjoy my fellow classmates. We will all be heading in different directions soon, and things will change.
Many of us who the joined the program are from out of state, and some are even from international borders. I know some of us are planning to stay in Chicago, others will return home and some are even seeking new territory altogether. This is a very interesting time for those of us graduating in May.
This semester, I decided it would be wise to obtain another internship to start getting back into the swing of the working world. I will be interning at Audiotree, which is an artist management company, which I have blogged about before. I will definitely be making a post or two about my experiences at Audiotree in the near future.
I thought it would be interesting to interview a fellow student and see how they are feeling about their final semester and what they are doing to prepare for their departure from Columbia College.
I spoke with Alex Colindres. She said that she is taking it one day at a time and doing the necessary work to graduate. I asked her a little about her past and how it relates to what she is doing now.
“My interest in the art gallery world stems from future plans to open my own art gallery. While completing my BFA I learned a lot about myself. Not only did I go from studying watercolor painting to photography, I also realized that what I really wanted to do was give emerging artists a safe and welcome place to display their work and jump start their careers. One great thing about the Museum School is that we have a lot of interaction with many current working artists, at all levels of their careers. This interaction with various artists made me realize how difficult it is to be a successful artist. Through my own gallery, my hope is to one day provide struggling artists a space to exhibit their works.”
I asked Alex if she is doing anything this semester to help prepare her as she transitions away from Columbia and into her career. She is currently taking an independent study, which will help her further develop her business plan, which is to open an art gallery. Part of her research will include conducting case studies and interviewing various clubs and gallery owners to develop a clear understanding of business concepts and practices used within the industry. She will also do a complete analysis of the financial aspects related to her area of interest.
As we transition into our careers, it is our responsibility to make sure we are taking full advantage of what Columbia has to offer. Part of that is making the most of our final courses and the other part is strengthening our networks within the College. Also, we need to start making decisions that will build our connections in the world outside of Columbia.