This is what the end of the semester looks like…

My not so messy end of the semester scribbles.

[ This post was written the last week of the fall semester. ]

Oh yes, that, somewhat indecipherable mess is my planner from last week. I won’t show you the this week’s, because it’s pretty much a big black scribble, punctuated with arrows and, every now and then, a visible word.

Nothing like a living room full of bicycles!

And no, I don’t own three bicycles, those belong to out of town friends who asked to come crash this week, Sunday through THURSDAY. Will I have time to hang out? No. Will I have to make sure that I’m done writing this blog post by 11 so that I don’t keep them up with the clicking of the keyboard and the glow of my computer? Yes. Will I see them tomorrow, sometime between teaching and working in my studio? Probably not. I think that paints the picture.

The end of the winter semester is always nuts. But believe it or not, I kind of really enjoy it. There’s something invigorating about the cold, the holiday season, and the wrapping up of projects that I’ve been working on for months now. It feels overwhelming but also thrilling in the inevitability of its end. So, here I go, blasting somewhat haphazardly to its conclusion, trying my best to stay organized and avoid procrastination at all costs!

Don’t fear for me! I shall get it all done (because I don’t really have a choice)!