Sacred & Profane: Book & Paper and Media Combine

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Every first year student in the Interdisciplinary Book & Paper Arts and Interdisciplinary Arts & Media MFA programs has to take a course called Art as Practice. It’s a really fantastic course that focuses on tasks often demanded of working artists. You write grants, research opportunities, and submit work for shows. The information and practice gained in this class is quite invaluable.

So, Saturday night I headed out to an Interdisciplinary Book & Paper Arts/Interdisciplinary Media Arts combined effort student show. The show, Sacred & Profane, was planned in one of the Art as Practice classes last spring. It was a lovely, intimate little show with a great variety of work. I got lost on the way over there (I still get lost in this city!), so I missed the performances, but the installed pieces were fantastic.

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Plus, it was fun to stand around and eat chips and dates stuffed with goat cheese and chat it up with my fellow Interdisciplinary Arts students. Good art + goat cheese = super successful weekend evening!