Finding my place: Being a dance/movement therapy intern

[flickr id=”6187014652″ thumbnail=”medium_640″ overlay=”true” size=”original” group=”” align=”none”] One of the requirements of a second year dance/movement therapy student is completing an internship.  The internship requirement is a total of 700 hours spanning across both the first and second semester of year two in the DMT & C program.  This past week, I began my internship at Anixter Center, working with adults with developmental disabilities. I am specifically in the Community Resource Services department, which is a part of the Wellness Program, with dance/movement therapist Jeanine Salemi.

You would think having a practicum experience (a shortened internship) at Grace House this past summer would help prepare me for my first week at Anixter Center.  It did, but Anixter Center is a large place serving an array of people.  There are a lot of clients, and hallways, and doors, and staff, and noise, and…. you get the idea.

My supervisor, Jeanine, did a great job of making me feel welcome my first week, but as “the intern” I felt a little out of place.  The Wellness Program already has a daily schedule, as do the therapists (there is a music and art therapist too).  It’s hard not to feel like I am getting in the way when clients and staff are trying to get from one place to the next.  I kept asking myself, “Where do I fit into this?”  Not only am I asking myself where do I fit into the schedule, but where do I fit into the culture of Anixter Center?

[flickr id=”6186482973″ thumbnail=”medium_640″ overlay=”true” size=”original” group=”” align=”none”] Although my first week was slightly overwhelming and I felt a bit in the way, there were so many beautiful moments that reminded me of why this work is so important.  The smiles and laughter I witnessed during dance/movement therapy groups.  The way clients connected with each other through movement.  I even heard one client singing to herself “Drop It Like It’s Hot” during group.

So although I haven’t found my “place” at Anixter Center just yet, I’m sure I’ll get that figured out soon.  After all it was only my first week.  I can’t wait till I do though.  I have a feeling my internship is going to be an amazing experience.