Have you had a chance to browse through the Safari Books Online digital collection yet? Safari Tech Books Online is a collection of over 16,000 technology, digital media and business books that are available free of charge to Columbia College Chicago faculty, staff and students.
Browse Safari Online
The book selection in the Safari digital library covers a wide range of topics (click here for a complete listing of all the Safari Tech Book categories available). You can browse for books by category, conduct a keyword search, view recently added titles, most popular titles or scroll through the 16,000 titles listed by date, popularity or alphabetical order.

Start Reading
Once you’ve found the book you want to read, click the START READING button.

This will take you to a page that contains an interactive table of contents, your eBook text and a selection of tools icons across the top of the page that will help you interact with your eBook.

You can find out more information about eBooks at Columbia here. Happy Browsing!!