You’re Not Alone.
This week has been a little rough honestly. Losing an hour and having to adjust as well as the snowy and cold week we’ve had certainly didn’t help (at least it made me appreciate the sun more). Along with not having a Spring break and starting to feel burnt out. I know that the college is wanting to prevent people from traveling and I am grateful they are taking COVID seriously. It does feel like you’re getting the short end of the stick when all you want, need, and deserve is a break and you have no desire or plans to travel. And I’m sure many of you are feeling the same way. You’re not alone. And it is hard.
I wish I had some helpful advice, but I’m feeling stuck myself. Because I don’t want to slack off. I want to continue to do my best work. But it’s getting difficult to keep up right now. We have been in a pandemic for a year now, so I am trying to be easy with myself. I think that’s all you can do.
Until next time,