Tips for Self-Care

Tips for Self-Care

It doesn’t matter who you are, self-care is essential for everyone to be 100 percent most of the time in day-to-day life. There are many things that are non-negotiable for me when it comes to taking care of myself. I guarantee you that if you add these things to your life, you will not feel as drained by the end of the day, you will be able to deal with daily problems more easily, and you will look and feel better.

  • Hydrate. It seems simple, we are always told we need to drink more water, but do we really actually do it? I recently read a book called “SuperLife: The 5 Simple Fixes That Will Make You Healthy, Fit, and Eternally Awesome,” in which the author Darin Olien actually explains the absolute need to drink water. He says you should never feel thirsty throughout the day. I have implemented this into my life and have been able to significantly cut down on caffeine. When our body is slightly dehydrated, our organs have no fuel. It’s like not eating for an entire day. If you’re feeling sluggish, chug a giant glass of water. You WILL have a boost of energy.
  • Stretch. We never realize how much of life’s stressors we hold within our bodies. When we stretch, we actually physically relieve certain areas of the body that hold on to stress. It also improves our sleep when we stretch on a daily basis. I do this in silence or with only instrumental music, so that I can check in with where I am mentally.
  • Meditate. I will preach this until the end of the earth. I know the word intimidates most people, but all you need to do is start small. Sit on your bed or yoga mat, no music or sound. Close your eyes and only focus on the breath going in and out of your mouth, do not deepen your breath. If you notice you begin to think of something, do not punish yourself, simply imagine the thought as a passing train. It will be hard if you haven’t meditated before. You will have frequent thoughts, but I promise it will get better. I have now had instances where my mind goes completely blank for almost 30 full minutes and I still would consider myself new. Meditation is ultimately healing for both the physical body and your mental health.
  • Affirmations. I’m not talking about manifestations. I am talking about the way that you speak to yourself. How often do you say I can’t, or I’m not a good person, etc? Begin your day stating the things aloud that you don’t quite fully believe. “I am a giving, caring person. I am worthy of love. I am working to make positive changes in my life. I am a confident person.” The things you say to yourself become your reality, whether they’re negative or positive.
  • Dance. The pandemic has been rough, not seeing people, not partying, etc. What do I do when I want to feel that euphoric happiness like I do at concerts or parties? I blast music and I dance for a couple of hours or even just an hour. I’m not a good dancer, but it doesn’t matter because I have fun and it makes you feel so much more relieved, and it gets your body moving in a way that’s fun. It’s really a great form of exercise, which helps to release endorphins, which we know are great for our mental stability.