I Can’t Even Believe We’re Halfway Through the Semester
I can’t even believe we’re halfway through the semester. This semester has flown by, which I honestly didn’t expect. I figured being home most days of the week the semester would drag on and on. I can’t believe we’re about to register for next semester’s classes. I never thought next semester would come. Well, I did, but I didn’t think we’d still be dealing with the pandemic.
To be honest, I’m angry. I’m angry because of the way that our government chose to deal, or not deal, with the pandemic and we’re the ones that are affected. By we, I mean the average American person. We’re the ones that don’t have control of how the pandemic is dealt with, yet we’re the ones that have to pay the price. We’re forced to continue with our work, school, and personal life like nothing has happened. And we don’t have a choice because it’s bigger than us. We’ve been in the pandemic for 7 months now. I’m angry because it should be over and there’s nothing I can personally do at this point except stay home and wear my mask.
Until next time,