Slow Down and Plan
As I am writing to the school, I feel like it’s my duty to make you guys aware of what’s about to happen to save you some frustration and help you prepare! I would absolutely consider myself a beginner in astrology, but this is what I do know: Mercury is about to stir things up (in fact, it already is). Mercury is currently in retrograde (as well as Mars but that’s a whole other conversation) and will be until Election Day (November 3rd), but you will feel its effects for about a week or so after. This is the third and final Mercury retrograde of 2020 and it’s in Scorpio. Mercury retrogrades occur fairly often, but I know I personally feel them every time. Mercury is the planet of communication, travel, thinking, and technology, so this is what will be affected during this time.
That means to back up your files, allow for extra time, schedule carefully, and double check your emails and texts. Because this retrograde is in the sign of secretive Scorpio, secrets may be revealed. Overall, take this time to slow down and plan as best as you can, and you’ll be fine! Good luck!
Until next time,