Self-Care Tips
It’s that time of the semester where classes are starting to really pick up. It’s crucial to take time for self-care, especially with classes being mostly online. Here are some ideas, but find what works best for you!
- Move your body. Moving your body after being hunched over a computer all day makes me feel better. It doesn’t have to be an intense workout or for very long either. A quick YouTube video, yoga, stretching, walking, or even a quick dance party!
- Treat yourself! It doesn’t have to be anything big. Buying my favorite overpriced coffee, running to Trader Joe’s and picking up my favorite snacks, and ordering food are some of my favorites. Whatever you can do to make your days a little bit more enjoyable.
- Tidy up. Listen, I know cleaning isn’t the most exciting thing to do, but once your room and/or apartment is clean, it will be worth it. I find that when my space is clean, I can focus better.
- Journal. I always feel a lot better after I journal. It’s a way to declutter your mind and recenter yourself. Personally, I am trying to make this a daily habit for myself.
- Go on a walk. After my classes are done for the day, I like to take a walk around the block. This signifies for me that I’m done for the day and gets me out of the mental headspace of class. It’s also nice to get fresh air while the weather is so perfect right now!
- Eat! Finding a balance between nourishing your body fruits and veggies, but not restricting yourself if you want pizza or mac & cheese. As well as making sure you are eating enough each day. It’s easy to forget meals when you’re in class and doing work all day, but you’ll feel better and will be able to focus much better.
- Shower! I shower every night not only for hygienic purposes, but also because I feel like it cleanses my energy of the day right before I go to bed.