A Personal Message: Do What’s Best for You

A Personal Message: Do What’s Best for You

Next week will officially mark the end of our school year. With that being said, I’m sad to say that this is the last message I bring you guys. But before I go, I think we have a lot to cover. The end of the school year always brings a flood of emotions with it; it’s bittersweet for those who are graduating, like me, but also exciting for those who are looking forward to their summer, also like me. But with this sense of anticipation also comes stress — and a lot of it. Finals week is right around the corner, so what do we do? I’m drowning in assignments right now and to be frank, the end doesn’t seem near. I think I’ve told my mom I’m going to drop out at least once a day. But I know the end is near. The work will come to an end and fortunately, it will also pay off. Be sure to also recognize that you are only human and allow yourself a break. Finals this year is more stressful than ever, and, in my opinion, we all deserve a break. Don’t be too hard on yourself, and good luck!

It’s summer, but the world is still a scary place filled with a lot of uncertainties. Beginning of summer plans have been cancelled, and the rest are in the air. Nobody knows quite what to expect, and it’s turned into a waiting game — but don’t let this ruin your summer. I know that everybody’s circumstances are different, and maybe they don’t always have the safest place to land but if you can, try to make the best of it. This summer do things that you’ve always said you would but didn’t have time for. For me, my goals are to: read more, learn how to cross-stitch, work on my novel, and get outside as much as I can. These are things that I know I can use as an escape, as an outlet to the world when things get tough; to manage your stress this summer and ease your anxieties, find things to do that bring you any sort of happiness. Do what’s best for you. Remember — resources like the Career Center and Counseling Services will still be available for you this summer (until the end of May for those graduating this semester). They’re here to help, so don’t be afraid to reach out! Have a great summer, and remember to take care of yourself, check in on your friends and family, and spend these next few months doing the things that make you happy!

—- Ali, class of ‘20