A Personal Message: We’ll Be OK
Three more weeks. That’s how long there is until the Class of 2020 become official college graduates. Holy crap. The past four years have seemed to fly right by, and I don’t know about you guys, but I’m not ready. Because what’s the one thing that comes with graduating? Having to find a job. And if I’m being honest here, that absolutely terrifies me. Searching for jobs post-graduation is stressful enough as it is; there are too many factors that go into it — what you want to do, where you want to work, and who will hire you versus who won’t. Will you be good enough? Will you get paid enough? Is this something you really want to do?
From the moment we become young adults, we’re expected to have everything figured out; society weighs us down with this pressure that leaves us constantly competing with each other: Who has the best job? Who gets paid the most? Who still lives with their parents and who lives alone? It’s become a race, but why are we running? Who says that we have to have it figured out now? This year, I’ve been putting myself under more pressure than society has, and it’s had a serious effect on my mental health. I’ve convinced myself that I have to move to Chicago, and I have to get a job that I love immediately or else I have failed. But that’s not true. I’m young, you’re young, and we have time. I graduate in three weeks and I have no idea where I’ll be next fall, and that’s okay, even though it doesn’t always feel that way. My friends and family keep telling me it will all work itself out in the end, and that’s what I have to keep reminding myself — and so do you. Everything will work out. We’ll be okay.
If this is something you’re still struggling with and you’re in need of guidance or resources, remember that the Career Center is a great place to reach out to! I’m taking advantage of the resources before I graduate, and I’ll be making an appointment for myself in the next week!
– Alison, class of ’20