Move Out Assistance
Dear Resident,
We are writing to update the residence hall move-out plan that was announced on April 3. While a majority of residents have moved out, a number of you are unable to travel at the current time or have other obstacles that are preventing you from returning to the residence halls for move-out. As a result of the feedback we have received from many of you, we have made additional arrangements to assist you with moving. Please note that we have confirmed with the Chicago Mayor’s Office that moving is allowed under the current stay-at-home order and we are taking physical distancing precautions and staggering the sign-up times. We have also extended the move-out period through May 10. We have identified companies that will work directly with you to pack your residence hall room and then either store or ship your belongings to you. These arrangements are between you and the company, at your cost. If you choose to hire a moving company, you will need to address any future questions or concerns about the moving service or the condition of your belongings directly with the mover. We are asking that you inform us of the moving company that you will be using. While we are not endorsing any moving company, two that have been recommended to us are:
Dorm Room Movers https://www.dormroommovers.com – Student scheduling site address support@dormroommovers.com – Customer service email https://www.dormroommovers.com/storage-shipping-services-at-Columbia-College-Chicago-Chicago-IL
Moving, Storage & Shipping Chelsea Ganther Experience Coordinator, Dorm Room Movers 480-725-2090 Campus Storage, LLC www.campusstorage.com
Packing, Moving & Storage Logan Johnson – Cell: 310-279-8929
Once you have contacted one of these companies you will need to sign up for a move out date at the link for your building:
• 30 East Balbo – https://moveout30east.youcanbook.me
• The Flats – https://moveoutflats.youcanbook.me
• The Arc – https://moveoutarc.youcanbook.me
• Dwight Lofts – https://moveoutdwight.youcanbook.me
• University Center – https://moveoutuc.youcanbook.me
As usual, the Residence Life staff remains committed to working with each of you to design a plan that works for you. Please feel free to reach out to residencelife@colum.edu or call 312-369-7803 with questions or for additional assistance.
Sincerely, Residence Life Staff