Kaylee Costello

Kaylee Costello

Kaylee Costello is a photography major, minoring in environmental studies at Columbia College Chicago. Growing up, Kaylee has been well immersed with different diversities and culture as a result of moving around America. This opened the passion for travel, outdoors, and documentary photography work. “You can move to the farthest ends of the world to call home and still carry your old home with you in a photograph” She has an eye for details, such as: textures, wildlife, and intimate moments in the landscape that speak to us in her work.

Kaylee’s body of work under the microscope combines examples of botany, geology, marine biology and more in abstract shapes, vibrant colors, and close up sections of the slides. Her piece: “ The Mandarin Dragon and Radiolaria” was a composite environment to show the base of our food chain having a more obvious presence than many would realize. She utilizes her talent in photography and her passion for science to make this a reality.
