Biggest Mouth Auditions

Biggest Mouth Auditions

Musically inclined Columbia students: are you tired of playing on stages that couldn’t possibly support all your raging talent? Are you bursting with original songs and electric stage presence? Then have we got the opportunity for you!

Big Mouth, Columbia’s monthly talent showcase, is amping up for the annual Biggest Mouth concert. Unlike the monthly performances that take place on campus, Biggest Mouth will take place at The Metro on April 19th. The show offers Columbia’s best musical acts the chance to win $1000 cash prizes as well as the opportunity to open for Manifest’s headliner. Besides those obvious perks, Biggest Mouth itself is an unrivaled concert experience that you don’t want to miss out on.

If you have a solo act or a band that you think deserves the spotlight, come down to one of three auditions held in HAUS at 623 S Wabash on March 7th (4 – 10 PM), 8th (4 – 10 PM), and 9th (10 AM – 4 PM). Just make sure that at least one of your band mates is currently enrolled at Columbia. Judges from the Student Programming Board will be considering acts based on their originality, musicality, content, audience appeal, and stage presence, so be sure to bring your A-game. For more information about auditioning, click here.