As time and technology march forward, sometimes it feels like we are leaving behind the beloved age of the silly multiplayer party games. It is getting hard to find a game that people don’t take too far, getting deadly serious with tactics and competition. Frankly, after a long day of classes, I’d like to sit down and just have a laugh while playing a dumb game.

Enter “Gang Beasts.”

“Gang Beasts” is a very simple game. You control a colorful figure in a goofy costume in a mission to simply wrestle any and all opponents off of the stage. Stages range anywhere from factory warehouses, to skyscrapers, and even on top of speeding semi-trucks. The trick is that it sounds a lot easier than it is. The control scheme is purposely set up to be obtuse. The independent limbs of your character are controlled by multiple buttons. You have to continually hold down a button to grip someone, press another button to tense that arm, and time your release of the buttons to throw your opponents. It is wacky, frustrating, and hilarious at the same time. Other actions range from headbutting your opponents into unconsciousness or falling completely limp to the ground as a dodge.

There are single player options to play against waves of computer-controlled opponents, but the biggest appeal of this game is the multiplayer. Capable of supporting anywhere from two to eight players, the game devolves into a brutal and hilarious battle royal. There aren’t many games where you can dress like a giant chicken, throw a luchador off of a billboard, and still claim you are “family friendly.” The graphics are very simple and there is no blood, but the game has a strange way of making players attached to their avatar. You’ll find yourself screaming as your friend attempts to throw you from a ferris wheel.

The game does have some flaws, though, most of which can be attributed to its “early access” status. The game is still technically under maintenance by the developers, even though you can buy it. This might worry consumers, since the game exists in a gray area that means it may never be “done,” like several other games that came before this one. There are bugs and compatibility issues. Also, the online multiplayer is rife with issues, which might be one of the ways you prefer to play with friends. And finally, the game is only currently on PC and Oculus Rift, though a PS4 release is in the works.

“Gang Beasts” is a good game and has the potential to be a great game, but is in an uncertain place at the moment. I don’t think it is worth the listed price while it is in early access, but if it is on sale, it may be worth a look.

3/5 Stars. Playing possum is a legitimate strategy.