Know Your Resources
Welcome back everyone!
Thanks to our partners at ITL, each month the Sexual Assault Awareness Education Committee (SAAEC) will bring you information regarding what resources are available to you as a member of our Columbia Community.
This month, we want to highlight: The Office of Equity Issues.
The Office of Equity Issues promptly responds to and investigates all reports of sexual misconduct and gender discrimination involving Columbia students. There is a lot to learn and know about this. The entire Policy, Student Sexual Misconduct Policy and Procedures, can be found at colum.edu/titleix.
The office is comprised of two full-time staff members. The Director of Equity Issues & Title IX Coordinator: Rabia Khan Harvey (rkhanharvey@colum.edu) and the Title IX Investigator & Deputy Coordinator: Janely Rivera (jrivera@colum.edu). These two professionals are trained to assist students who wish to file a report related to the Student Sexual Misconduct Policy & Procedures (the “Policy.”)
You can also visit them at 623 S. Wabash Ave., Suite 315.
If interested in helping to plan events on these important topics, join the SAAEC. We develop programs that educate the student body on the College’s Sexual Assault Policy, procedures for reporting incidents, bystander intervention and support services that are available on and off-campus.
You can email the co-Chairs of SAAEC: Janely Rivera at jrivera@colum.edu or Matt Test at mtest@colum.edu for more information on how to get involved.