One of Hawke Media’s clients, Flo Music, has asked us to personally reach out to Columbia College’s Film & Video Department. Our client would be excited to have film students from Columbia College participate in a short film contest promoting their brand for a chance to win up to $5,000. In addition, Flo Music will donate the same amount towards the Film & Video Department. You can check out the official Contest Page here.
What is Flo Music?
Flo Music is a social music player that uses wi-fi to connect nearby friends so that they can create collaborative playback/playlists. Flo Music’s free app syncs up nearby phones and creates a social playlist, or “Flo,” that anyone can add songs to. Music is typically better when it’s not just one person playing it. Check out this short animation to see how it’s used.
Film schools all across the United States have been invited to take part in this competition. Students will be required to create a video (up to 2 minutes in length) that visually demonstrates the features and benefits of the Flo Music app.
The Official Rules can be found here: http://flomusic.com/official-rules/