News & Announcements
Category2014 Entrepreneurial Symposium – 10/13 @ 3:30pm
Join us for the 2014 Entrepreneurial Symposium. Monday October 13th, 2014 3:30-5:30 618 S. Michigan Ave. Stage Two. Contact Jason Stephen..
Creative Industries Meetup
Join us for an informal meet and greet hosted by the Business & Entrepreneurship Department of Columbia College Chicago. Connect with prof..
The spectacle of Redmoon Theater marketing
“There is a strategy to everything…”
There is never a better learning experience than working with existing companies with immediate re..
Manifest Business 2014
It’s that time of year again, the time of year when everyone is all a-buzz about MANIFEST! This year’s theme of Flight is an accurate des..
SXSW: Field Trips. Still a thing at 28
SXSW: Field Trips. Still a thing at 28
By Meg Hersman
Attending SXSW last month was the biggest adventure I’ve had in a while (with th..