News & Announcements
CategoryBe a Part of the Manifest Rises Showcase!
You’ve undoubtedly heard that Manifest has moved to a virtual celebration this year, an online festival called Manifest Rises. We’d like t..
The Poison Arrows: “Seek Harbor” Release
Chicago-based band The Poison Arrows features our own faculty member Justin Sinkovich on guitar and vocals. The band released a single on ..
Student Spotlight: Cruel Valentine
Photo by Sainteven Photography.
Cruel Valentine is both an accomplished burlesque performer and a first year Master of Arts Manageme..
The Third Mask Festival 2020
2020 marks the second year of the Third Mask Festival at Columbia College Chicago. Students in the Events Management Practicum: Festivals ..
Student Project: Arts Corri-Doors by Yvvi Atanassov
Yvvi Atanassov is a second year International student in the Master of Arts Management program who has worked very hard the last six m..