International Student Experience

Stella Huang

Chloe Wang


Interview with Master of Arts Management graduate students, Stella & Chloe

What initially motivated you to enroll in the 3+2 program between Columbia College Chicago and the Central Academy of Drama?

Stella: I’ve always had a longing to study abroad and delve into diverse cultures. While pursuing my undergrad in theatre, I started questioning if it truly aligned with my passions. So, I sought out this program to explore broader possibilities within the art and creative industries.

Chloe: The idea of studying abroad for my master’s had been on my mind, and when I stumbled upon this program offering a time-saving advantage—obtaining both a bachelor’s and master’s degree in 5 years—it seemed like a perfect fit. Plus, with my background and interest in Arts Management, it was too good to pass up.

What were some of the most noticeable differences between studying at the Central Academy of Drama in Beijing and Columbia College Chicago?

Stella: At Columbia College Chicago, I found a wider array of courses and a stronger focus on student-centered events, creating a more inclusive atmosphere.

Chloe: Transitioning from the Central Academy of Drama to Columbia College Chicago, I experienced smaller class sizes and a completely different language environment, which presented its own set of challenges.

Could you tell us about any memorable projects or performances you were involved in during your first year at Columbia College Chicago?

Stella: One standout experience was participating in the UNLEASHED 2023 Gala. It was incredible to see the talents of fellow students showcased, and knowing the proceeds went towards Columbia’s scholarships made it even more meaningful.

Chloe: One project that sticks out for me was attending SXSW as part of our coursework. It was an unforgettable experience, connecting with a diverse creative community and enjoying some amazing music performances.

How do you plan to apply the skills and knowledge gained from the 3+2 program in your professional journey ahead?

Stella: I aim to kickstart my career with internships and make the most of Columbia’s resources to propel myself forward.

Chloe: I’m aware of the gap between academic learning and real-world practice. So, I plan to integrate the practicum courses from this program into my career path, bridging the theory-practice divide and equipping myself with valuable skills for the future.