Interested in Gallery Management? Check out the Hokin Project.
This practicum course provides hands-on gallery management, exhibition, curatorial, and design experience for students of all majors. Known as The Hokin Project, this course presents the work of the Columbia College Chicago community through exhibitions, programs, and events in the Hokin Gallery. Gallery Management Practicum is a student-run collaboration of the Business & Entrepreneurship Department and Student Affairs / Department of Exhibitions and Performance Spaces (DEPS).
Students taking the course are tasked with the responsibilities of coordinating the design and installing each show throughout the semester. After taking this course, not only are students experienced and equipped to manage future projects, but connections via networking are made for future endeavors.
This semester, the first exhibition, Hybrid Forms & Interdisciplinary Practice, was juried by Buzz Spector, internationally recognized artist and critical writer. Students also had the opportunity to collaborate with the Art & Art History department to curate this exhibition featuring work from BA and BFA graduates across the country.
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Photo Credit: Zoe Liu, Let’ em Eat Buns!, Mixed media, 2015. Photo courtesy of Christopher Rohrer.