The Five College Dance Department invites applications for a half-time, two-year (duties only during the academic year) appointment at Mount Holyoke College in Dance in Education and Community Outreach, to begin in Fall 2013.
The Old Town Merchants and Residents Association, in concert with Special Events Management, is proud to announce the 2013 Wells Street Art Festival Poster Design Contest!
CBPA Director Steve Woodall was recently interviewed for the Caxtonian magazine by its editor, Robert McCamant. McCamant relates his first meeting with Woodall at a book fair in Maryland, and follows his energetic and eclectic career path from California...
CURRENTS 2013, the 4th Annual Santa Fe International New Media Festival will be held in Santa Fe, New Mexico, USA – June 14th – June 30, 2013. CURRENTS’ curators look for the unique ways...
The Department of Exhibition and Performance Spaces (DEPS) is seeking submissions for the second exhibition in the Chicago Curates Columbia exhibition series. If you have work completed within the past three years that can be...
The Bradley International Print and Drawing Exhibition is the second-longest running juried print and drawing competition in the country. Every two years it features the best contemporary graphic artwork from around the globe. All accepted...