Columbia College Chicago Theatre Dept. Alums Bring Midwest Premiere of ‘A Distinct Society’ to Writers Theatre June 22-July 23

    Columbia College Chicago Theatre Department alums are on the production team for the Midwest premiere of A Distinct Society, running June 22 through July 23 at Writers Theatre, located at 325 Tudor Court in the Chicago suburb of Glencoe.

    Leah Morrow

    Nikki Konomos

    Columbia College alum Leah Morrow ’05, a graduate of the Theatre Department’s BA Program in Musical Theatre, is the choreographer. And Columbia College alum Nikki Konomos ’19, a graduate of the Theatre Department’s Stage Management program, is the assistant stage manager.

    Written by Kareem Fahmy and inspired by true events, A Distinct Society concerns an Iranian family, separated from each other by the U.S. “Muslim ban,” who use a quiet library that straddles the border of the U.S. and Canada as a meeting place. For tickets, click here.