Columbia College Chicago Theatre Alumni Win Rave Review for ‘Glass Menagerie’ Designs

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    Columbia College Chicago Theatre Department alumni Grant Sabin (BFA ’05) and Paul Deziel (BA ’14) are winning rave reviews for their design work on The Hypocrites‘ production of Tennessee Williams’ classic drama The Glass Menagerie, running through March 6 at the Den Theatre, 1329 N. Milwaukee, in Chicago’s Wicker Park neighborhood. Sabin is a graduate of the Theatre Department’s BFA Program in Theatre Design; Deziel is a graduate of Columbia’s BA program in technical theatre.

    Grant Sabin

    Grant Sabin

    Paul Deziel

    Paul Deziel

    “Upon entering the Den Theatre’s Heath Main Stage to take in The Hypocrites’ production of The Glass Menagerie, I was immediately struck by the bottles upon bottles of breathtaking glass that cover Grant Sabin’s decrepit-yet-beautiful set,” wrote’s Rachel Weinberg. “Like director Hans Fleischmann’s production itself, . . . the set for this Glass Menagerie both exhilarates yet also supplies a sense of foreboding. . . . Sabin’s eye-catching set manages to appear both beautiful and deteriorated–the stunning glass bottles stand out from the rest of the shabby set. . . . And Paul Deziel’s projections add a modern touch yet also serve to reinforce the play’s 1940s setting. The projections often showcase advertisements from the era, yet also frequently showcase brief passages from the text to remind us of the surreal, dream-like elements in Williams’ script.”

    For tickets to The Glass Menagerie, call 872-205-6525 or click here.

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