strives to increase AED placement and awareness on how to use them. Sudden Cardiac Arrest (SCA) is the number one killer in America, and an electric shock delivered from a defibrillator is the only way to resuscitate the victim. Over 350,000 SCA deaths occur each year outside the hospital environment, with 366,807 striking families across our country in 2015 alone.
Application Details awards one (1) $1,500 scholarship each semester to a qualified student. To apply, complete the following steps:
- Locate and take a picture of an AED in your community.
- Interview someone who has used an AED (e.g. EMS, Fire Department, Law Enforcement)
- Record a 1-2 minute video of them describing a time when an AED saved or could have saved a life.
- Write a 300-500 word summary of the interview.
- Submit the picture, video, and summary to our team at
To be eligible for selection, students must submit an application by the appropriate deadline:
- Fall Semester: July 1st
- Spring Semester: December 1st