You’ve Got Questions? We’ve Got Answers!

Did you know that you can ask questions and get help with research at the Ask Desk on the Library’s 2nd floor?

A librarian who would be delighted to help you is available:

Monday-Thursday 8:30 am – 7 pm
Friday 8:30 am – 5 pm

Stop by in person, give us a call – 312-369-7153 – chat, or tweet us @LibraryTweet.

At the beginning of each semester, we get questions about printing, textbooks on reserve, and other important stuff. Here are some frequently-asked questions, with their answers:

Does the Library have my textbook?

What is my Library ID?

How do I print a paper in the Library?

The Library does not have a book that I need. How can I get it?

Hope these questions and answers will give you a head start on a successful semester. And remember, we love questions, so you can always ask us more!