Behind the Desk: A Reference Student’s Story

If you’ve ever been on the second floor of the library, you have probably seen the reference desk. You really can’t miss it. As far as desks go, this one is pretty huge, and the lime green wall behind it is sure to draw your attention with words like “ask”, “answers”, and the all powerful “wifi”. I  have been a student worker behind this desk for a little over half a year, and honestly, it’s pretty great. You may be wondering, “What does a student worker at the reference desk do, exactly?” Well, I’m glad you asked. Essentially, I answer questions. My job is to know as much as possible about the library, and then use this knowledge to answer any and all inquiries that library patrons might have. These questions come to me through many forms: the library’s online chat, over the phone, or in person at the reference desk.

One of my favorite things about working at the reference desk is that you never know what someone is going to ask you about, but I’m ready for everything. Say you don’t know how to print in the library: I can instruct you on the various steps.  Maybe you are looking for the bathroom. I know where we keep them. Perhaps you are looking for a book on the history of camping with a title that includes a pun. I can direct you to the location of Susan Snyder’s charming text, Past Tents: The Way We Camped. These are just a few examples of questions that I have the answers to.

The library offers a ton of services that many people are not aware of, but as a student worker, I know all about them. For example, did you know the library has a piano? Or light tables? Or study rooms?  We also recently acquired a 3D printer that has the ability to make small green elephants through what appears to be magic. I have information on all of these things, and I am just sitting behind the reference desk waiting to answer questions about them. Honestly, a lot of the information I recount can be found on the Library’s website, but a website doesn’t give you a winning smile while it answers your question. So the next time you have a question, don’t be afraid to ask. It is literally my job to answer them.