Third Annual Library Haiku Contest Winner–Annie Jo Kjar

For the last three years, the Columbia College Chicago Library, with the support of the Office of Student Affairs, has sponsored its annual Haiku Contest as part of Manifest. Each year has specific themes and all students are invited to submit haiku based on those themes. For 2010, they are: libraries, knowledge, learning, books, literacy and reading.

This year’s winning haiku is by Annie Jo Kjar:

If you are certain
The words are an adventure…
Please take me with you
-Annie Jo Kjar
Honorable Mention

Turn on all the lights
Then read in bed, sleepy head.
Doze off on page twelve.
-Chloe Godard
I slayed a dragon.
Inside of this adventure.
Hiding in my book.
-Tye Hasberry
If I must be caps,
Shouldn’t We and Us be too?
What about Hers His and Yours?

-Stephanie Eckermann

Congratulations to our winners and to everyone who submitted their work to our contest. Each entry was judged by a panel of Library staff and English department faculty. Many thanks to all of them: Kristy Bowen, Jacob Saenz, Roland Hansen, Kim Hale, John Moss, Nicole Wilson and Tony Trigilio. Special thanks to Dieter Kirkwood who designed the graphic for the wall installation.

Stop by the Library to see Annie’s haiku on the first floor landing during Manifest and beyond!