5 Library Services You Need To Use

The Library might not be the first place you want to go when you get to college, but it is definitely one of the most useful!

Here are 5 library services you will not be sorry you took advantage of:

5. Textbooks

Why spend hundreds of dollars on textbooks when the library has most Columbia College textbooks available for you to use during library hours? It’s part of our Course Reserves service. We keep at least one copy of all textbooks that cost at least $40 plus many of the ones that cost less than $40. There’s one catch – you can only use the textbook in the library. You can read and make notes, scan/email pages, or copy/print the pages you need! Stop by the 1st Floor desk to get started!

4. Study Rooms

Study Rooms

Study Rooms

We have 6 study rooms on the 3rd floor of the library. You can book rooms in advance through our online calendar. Study rooms are great for working on group projects or just meeting a few friends in a semi-private spot.

3. Suggest a Purchase

Is there a book you want to read, a movie you’re desperate to see, or music you need to hear? If the library doesn’t already own it, we would love to buy it! Use our suggest a purchase form to tell us what you need and we will try our best (within our budget) to get you what you need to succeed in your academic and creative pursuits!

2. Databases and Online Resources

You don’t even need to leave your dorm room or apartment to take advantage of the library’s multitude of online resources including ebooks, articles, streaming movies and music, newspapers, images, and more. And you won’t find these things on Google!

1. Librarians

Library staff badges

Library staff badges

Do you need to find a good monologue for an audition, research a company, brand, or industry, find a short story, identify scholarly research, track down statistics? Librarians are expert researchers, and we love to help! There are lots of ways to reach us:

Bonus: Coffee

Can’t function without your morning cup of joe? Visit the coffee cart on the first floor of the library and get a cup of delicious Caribou coffee for only $2.