It’s 10:00am. Do you know where your Facebook profile is?

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Facebook announced yesterday that it will be making the names and profiles of its members available to nonmembers and eventually accessible through search-engine listings. That means in the near future, *anyone* (potential employers, strangers, parents, professors, etc.) can Google you and see your Facebook profile (or at least parts of it). Think about how you present yourself online and consider changing your Search Privacy settings in Facebook if this concerns you. Be aware that the information you make available about yourself through online social networking sites like Facebook and MySpace is not always as hidden or private as you might think it is.

Read more about this from PC World HERE

Read the Facebook announcement (and see an example of how a public search listing will appear) HERE.

Looking for books or articles on online privacy, social networking or other information? Just click here or on any of the Library’s web pages.