Twenty-four Artist Residents are accepted into the program based on an application evaluated by the programs four selected Curator Residents. Artist Residents are divided into groups of six to work with one Curator Resident throughout the...
Lawton Gallery: University of Wisconsin-Green Bay is now accepting proposals for work in 2 & 3 dimensions, installations and new media projects.
The Lawton Gallery is the University’s Art Gallery and presents six exhibitions per year. Three...
With that in mind, we Audience members are invited to watch the work and be a part of the process, while the artists experiment with concerns of audiencing and navigation.
Jason Urban of Printeresting turns the pages of the new book that explores the expanded field of analog printmaking, and all manner of related computer-augmentation.
The Center for Book and Paper Arts, a program of the Interdisciplinary Arts Department at Columbia College Chicago, recently received a $50,000 Arts in Media grant from the National Endowment for the Arts in support of...