Center for Book and Paper Arts Launches New Research Publication

A studio is much more than just a location for fabrication. It’s the site where ideas are conceived and brought to fruition, where the hand, eye, and brain, working in concert, contrive to bring something new into the world. Studio practice involves intuition, improvisation, and often collaboration—it’s what author David Sudnow calls “the ways of the hand.”

With this in mind, the Center for Book and Paper Arts is proud to announce the launch of a new report series, Practice. The journey from concept to fruition happens in CBPA studios on a daily basis, with varying degrees of success—but always with expectations of something extraordinary. That hope is what drives artists and artists-in-training to focus time, sustained attention, and arduous practice in the service of artistic creation. Practice will be an ongoing documentation of these experiences, combined with investigations into the history and future of the artist’s book.

Sheroanawë and CCC graduate student Trisha Martin.

The first issue presents several perspectives on the journey that brought Venezuelan Yanomami artist Sheroanawë Hakihiiwë to our paper studio, and the reciprocal engagement of our students and faculty with artists and fabricators in Caracas. the first issue will soon be available for download.