CALL FOR APPLICATIONS: Individual Artist Grant – DCASE Professional Development Track

    CYCLE 2: Spring/Summer

    Grant Period June 1-December 31, 2015
    Application DeadlineMay 15, 2015 5:00 PM CST
    No Extensions will be Granted.Notification of ResultsJune, 2015

    All applicants will be notified via e-mail sent to the address on file in the CyberGrants system.

    Payments disbursed July-August 2015
    Payments may be electronic or via check.
    Final reports dueDecember 1, 2015
    Reports will be completed electronically.

    NOTE: Artists may only apply for and receive one grant in one of the two funding tracks per year.

    To Apply:

    The online application for Track 1: Creative Projects is closed. To view your previously submitted application, click here:

    The online application for Track 2: Professional Development (Fall/Winter Cycle) is now closed. To view your previously submitted application, click here:

    The online application for Track 2: Professional Development (Spring/Summer Cycle) is now open. Click here:

    For more detailed information about both programs, please see the Individual Artists Program Guidelines Packet (PDF) for more information.

    Program Overview

    The goal of the Individual Artists Program (IAP) is to discover, nurture, and expand Chicago’s practicing artists and creative professionals. Through this grant program, DCASE will award project-based grants to Chicago-based artists and creative professionals over 18 years of age, at all career levels (emerging, mid-career, mature), and working across numerous disciplines. Funds are awarded through two separate IAP programs: Track 1: Creative Projects and Track 2: Professional Development. Artists may only apply for and receive one grant in one of the two funding tracks per year.

    General IAP Eligibility Criteria:

    To be eligible to apply for funding in either of the two Individual Artists Programs, applicants must meet each of the following criteria:

    • Be professional, practicing artists or creative professionals in one of the following disciplines: Visual Arts (includes Graphic Artists), Music, Dance, Theater, Performance Art, Literary Arts, Design (includes fashion, industrial, and costume), Curatorial Arts, Culinary Arts, Media Arts/Film and Interdisciplinary; and

    • Be at least 18 years old; and

    • Be a United States citizen or a holder of permanent alien status; and

    • Be a resident of the city of Chicago, Illinois (proof of residency is required for application).

    Beginning in 2013, Artists may receive an IAP award for three consecutive years before being required to take a year off from funding. All grantees receiving support through the 2013 and 2014 IAP are eligible to apply for funding in either track in 2015.

    Track 2: Professional Development
    Goal: To support professional artists and creative entrepreneurs to develop or deepen artistic, administrative, or organizational skills to become more competitive in the creative marketplace.

    Key Points:

    • Program Priorities: Opportunities or projects that:

    o Focus on career sustainability or audience building opportunities that seek to help an artist become more competitive in the creative marketplace; or

    o Align with stage of artist’s career and clearly articulate timeliness  (why this opportunity would be significant now); or

    o Have true potential to positively impact the applicant’s career;

    o Are unique and not a repetition of the applicant’s similar, previous experience; or

    o Promote Chicago’s artists outside of Chicago, offer opportunities for Chicago’s artists to serve as ambassadors for the City

    • Grant Amount: DCASE will accept requests up to $2,500.

    • Applications will be reviewed through an expedited process to allow for more timely release of funds to participate in opportunities.

    • If awarded, grant funds provided through this program must be spent as follows:

    o Cycle 1 Grant Period: Funds must be spent between January 1, 2015 and May 31, 2015.

    o Cycle 2 Grant Period: Funds must be spent between June 1, 2015 and December 31, 2015.

    • Artists working collaboratively on a project are eligible to submit a single application to support the professional development opportunity, where appropriate; however, one collaborator must serve as the main contact for purposes of the application.