Department Anticipating Lively December 4 Inaugural Open Studios

    Artist: Morgan Sayers, thesis-year media student.

    For the first time, the Interdisciplinary Arts department graduate students are opening their studios to share, up close, their deep and wide practices. Though there are three defined programs (MFA Book & Paper Arts, MFA Interdisciplinary Arts & Media, and MA Interdisciplinary Arts), each artist’s practice explores and unite disciplines in unexpected ways, and the conceptual rigor of all three programs is readily apparent in their artwork . Students in the InterArts department have a reputation for developing previously unknown niches in arts and media as they make their way on their graduate school trajectory. Through performance, creative writing, print and papermaking, book arts, sculpture, electronics, installation, sound, music, students take their interdisciplinarity to new (and often collaborative) ground.

    Artist: Angela Davis Fegan, thesis-year book & paper student.

    On December 4, 2014,  from 6:00 p.m. – 9:00 p.m., in the basement of 1104 S. Wabash, the Interdisciplinary Arts graduate students welcome you to come see them in their element – where they research, experiment, create, write, and document. The studios are located in two separate large spaces, with most of the thesis year MFA students in the north side, and everyone else in the South Side studios. All in all, over 40 artists working in a rich variety of media will be present to discuss and demonstrate their interdisciplinary practices in a studio environment, sharing completed projects, works in progress, documentation, sketches, performances, prototypes, and takeaways. Light refreshments will be served.

    Facebook event link: click here.