2014 Call For Submissions Hear N O W Here
Categories: Transmission Art/Radio Art, Electroacoustic Music/Sound Art, Interactive Installation Art
Go to http://naisa.ca/opportunities/calls-for-submissions/naisa-general-call-for-submissions/ for full information and on-line application
New Adventures in Sound Art (NAISA) invites artists of all ages and nationalities to submit works on the theme HEAR n o w HERE for consideration in New Adventures in Sound Art’s 2015 programming in Toronto, Canada. Go to https://naisa.ca/naisa-general-submission-form/ for the on-line application
sharawadji is defined as “An aesthetic effect that characterizes the feeling of plenitude that is sometimes created by the contemplation of a sound motif or a complex soundscape of inexplicable beauty.” in the list of sonic effects proposed by Jean-François Augoyard and Henry Torgue in their book Sonic Experience: A Guide to Everyday Sounds (McGill-Queen’s University Press, 2005). HEAR n o w HERE is meant to contemplate on this idea of sharawadji, on the ephemeral quality of that moment in sound, never to happen in quite the same way ever again. Being sometimes full of promise, sometimes quite shocking, often of unknown origins and being of irregular form, it is that sonic experience that cannot quite be described in the same way as it is experienced. But you can try.
Preference in programming will be given to works that respond in some way to the theme HEAR n o w HERE. Individual interpretations or variations on the theme are encouraged, but should be realized with sound as the primary component. NAISA would also like to encourage artists to submit works on the theme HEAR n o w HERE for performance, gallery exhibit, screening, webcast or audio stream, radio broadcast, network or translocal performance, mobile experiences a nd any other emerging formats that include sound as a primary element. Please complete in full the online submission form and upload your audio by midnight on November 15, 2014. Note: there is a $5 submission fee in order to defray the cost of processing the submissions. All works chosen for presentation will receive an artist fee.
Link: http://naisa.ca/opportunities/calls-for-submissions/naisa-general-call-for-submissions/
Deadline: Sat Nov 15th, 2014