Book and Paper student Haley Nagy (left) leading La Loteria Cafe Society
Second year Book and Paper student Haley Nagy is this year’s Critical Encounters Graduate Fellow. As the Graduate Fellow, Haley is primarily responsible for planning and hosting Cafe Society events around Columbia. Originally chartered by the Illinois Humanities Council, Cafe Societies are being piloted here for the first time on college campus. Haley prepares readings and questions about the various Columbia art exhibits, and then facilitates a moderated discussion about the artwork and it’s relevance to this year’s Critical Encounters focus, ‘Image and Implication’. Working closely with her CE teammates and faculty fellow, Sharon Bloyd Peshkin, Haley will help write a curriculum which will allow other universities to launch similar programming. These events are free and open to the public and all participants who come receive a free t-shirt and a mug!
La Loteria Cafe Society in the Book and Paper gallery
In a recent review of the La Loteria Cafe Society, Andrew Whatley, the Academic Program Manager at Academic Affairs said: “The Cafe Society event was spectacular. It was thrilling to see our students so engaged with the works and discussing them with such confidence. It will not be my last one”.