Columbia College Chicago Theatre Alums Featured in ‘East Texas Hot Links’ at Court Theatre Sept. 6-29

    A.C. Smith

    AnJi White

    Columbia College Chicago alum A.C. Smith ’86, a graduate of the Theatre Program’s BA Program in Theatre, and former Theatre Program Acting program student AnJi White are in the ensemble cast of East Texas Hot Links, running September 6 through 29 at Court Theatre, located at 5535 S. Ellis in Chicago’s Hyde Park neighborhood. For tickets, click here.

    Sheryl Williams

    Cristin Carole

    Janice Pytel

    The show’s production team includes Columbia College alum Sheryl Williams ’20, a graduate of the Theatre Program’s BA Program in Musical Theatre with a Minor in Stage Combat, who is the show’s culture and consent consultant. Columbia College alum Cristin Carole MEd ’01, a student in the Columbia College Theatre Program’s Intimacy for Stage and Screen Graduate Certificate program, is the show’s movement consultant. And Columbia College Theatre Program faculty member Janice Pytel is the costume designer.

    The Pulitzer Prize-nominated drama, set in 1950s Texas, is described as “simultaneously a gripping character study, a lyrical masterpiece, and a juggernaut of suspense.