Columbia College Chicago Theatre Department alumni are in the musical Newsies, running September 4 through October 20 at the Paramount Theatre in Aurora, Illinois.

The production features Columbia alums Michael Kurowski ’16 as Crutchie and Koray Tarhan ’13 as Davey, and Columbia alum Ann Delaney is in the ensemble. All three are graduates of the Columbia College Theatre Department’s Musical Theatre Program. Kurowski and Delaney are graduates of the Theatre Department’s BFA Program in Musical Theatre Performance and Tarhan is a graduate of the BA Program in Musical Theatre. Kurowski has previously appeared in Paramount’s productions of the musicals Once and Million Dollar Quartet; Tarhan and Delaney are making their Paramount debuts. Paramount artistic director Jim Corti, a former teacher of Musical Theatre Dance at Columbia College, is the show’s director. Columbia College Theatre Department faculty member Susan Gosdick is the dialect coach. For tickets, click here.