Just Keep Swimming

Just Keep Swimming

I've got a few

I’ve got a few…

I am a motto junkie.

Famous quotes, affirmations, song lyrics. You name it, I love it.

When I’m stressed or overwhelmed, however, these phrases become lifelines.

The 18-month structure of the Journalism, MA program is great because you can fulfill your graduate degree in a short amount of time and start your career.

On the flip side, 18 months can go by faster than you think.

Saying an internship application is due in March suddenly becomes, “Oh hey, it’s almost April.”

Raven Nervous Chewing


With spring break having just ended, the end of the school year is closer than ever—meaning final deadlines are way closer than before.

Instead of hyperventilating into a paper bag, I start reading my treasure chest of mottos.

In moments like these, one saying always comes up.

Don't give up...

Don’t give up…

I remember the first time I heard that phrase.

When I was in middle school, Finding Nemo was all over the place.

Dory, voiced by the legendary Ellen DeGeneres, immediately stole the show. Silly, spacey and overall kooky, you could always count on her to bring the laughs.

Dealing with the constant pitfalls and pratfalls of my tween years, I loved how unfailingly upbeat and positive she was.

Hearing that phrase was exactly what I needed to stay strong and keep my eyes on the prize.

Almost 13 years later, the expression has only become more relevant.

I might get overwhelmed, I might feel like I’m on a never-ending hamster wheel, but if I just keep repeating that phrase, I know things will be okay.

Mottos might be clichéd and trite for some, but for me, they can keep me going.

Don’t be afraid to find yours.