Spring in January

Spring in January

"GIVE" Fubiz.net

“GIVE” Fubiz.net

I have a confession to make. These classes this Spring are REALLY rocking my ocean. I mean, I have painstakingly awaited January 26, 2015, for exactly these two classes. Moodle was multitudinously checked (yes, I believe I made up a word). The articles posted there were read. Yes, there was enthusiasm friends. AND I also took notes!

So, here is a list of a few of my favorite notes so far!

1. Lists are important: Lists, notes, pictures, any type of recordings of our thoughts. Yep, that’s a good one. Lists.

2. Give more: Yo, that’s a big one. For me, this is more along the lines of myself. I think of giving more focus, more gut, more passion, more vulnerability. One article we read was about confessional performance. It discusses, in great detail I must say, how essentially there are two active persons present in the act of a confession, the doer, and the one who did. I think giving comes from both aspects as well, giving self to do, and to tell. I can’t forget that with Amnesia.

3. Ritual: I need a ritual. A conjuring practice for positivity, love, shiny bright life energy, and brilliant creativity. I’m working on it. It’s such a sacred thing—kind of personal. It also calls for more giving.

4. K.I.S.S. (Keep-It-Simple-Stupid) What else is there to say? And I kept thinking about this concept while I was reading. Because, although it is very possible to complicate a simple thought, it is also possible to take a very complicated thing, and make it very simple.

I think these notes are sure to travel with me through this entire semester. I may even add to them. Let’s see how well I put them to use! Enjoy Spring 2015!