The Final Count Down!
I’m enjoying this Chicago summer. It’s my favorite time of year in the city. So much is happening and because I’m not in classes I have time to enjoy some of it. I’m grateful to have some time to refresh before the fall semester, however my cohort and I still have some homework to finish before the first day of classes.
I only have one more year to finish my M.F.A.! Time’s running out! But, there’s no point in worrying. Worrying never helped anyone. When I start to get anxious like this I find it helpful to remember the words of Bryan Saner, “The time you have is sufficient.” What ever time I’m given, that’s how long it will take to complete the work.
Till then, I will be primarily focused on my thesis project. The word thesis comes from the Greek word for position, and refers to an intellectual proposition. Our thesis is the culmination of an ongoing line of inquiry manifest in an artistic body of work and written paper. My thesis project will be an expansion of the play Dreams of a Possible End and a continued exploration of the ideas in that play.
Before the first day of classes we will be presenting a draft of our thesis project proposals which is to be an honest summary of the project we intend to complete this next year. As part of this we are supposed to show the experiments we made over the summer that illustrate the line of inquiry we have been following, an extended artists statement, an annotated bibliography, and we need to begin to assemble our thesis committee. It’s going to be a busy summer, but I’m excited. I have a year to focus and refine a work of art I can be proud of.