NAEA Conference San Diego
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Man, am I lucky! The spring break at my cooperating high school aligned with the spring break of Columbia as well as the week when the NAEA Conference was taking place in San Diego. The Art Ed MAT cohorts planned ahead of time, and held multiple fundraisers throughout the year to help pay for some of the cost for all of us to go. We kept the bill low by staying in a downtown hostel and sharing rooms. This lead to more money leftover for eating and other fun activities like surfing at Mission Beach; it was awesome!
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For me, one of the best parts of the conference is the amount of enthusiasm for art education and the willingness to share and communicate. So many of the lecturers I witnessed shared their emails, presentations and links so that we could access their information later when we get home and keep the conversations going beyond the weekend. The conference gave me so many ideas that I can now incorporate into my own teaching practice, that I would never be able to find on my own.
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