The End of My Marginalia Journey
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Dear Marginalia friends and peers,
If you can believe this (because I can’t!)–this is my last blog post ever on Marginalia.That photo up there was taken in November 2010 at our first ever conference as a cohort (well, almost all of us), at NonfictionNow.
I was scrolling though all of my old blog posts and I realized that I have been blogging for Marginalia since Sept 2011 and this is my 77th blog post! And, even prior to the launch of Marginalia, I had been the Nonfiction Program Ambassador since October 2010. So, I’ve been representing this program for just under three years. I think that might be a record for an ambassador, but then again, I could be wrong. At any rate, it feels like an accomplishment for me. I’ve been proud to represent this program, and especially to represent it as a member of the first cohort to graduate from the program!
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My instinct is to reflect, to reminisce, to (weep, cry, scream, sob, laugh, sniffle, bellow). But, I feel like Marginalia has allowed me to do just that for three years. I’ve written about:
- the stress of the end of the semester
- specific classes
- teaching Writing & Rhetoric I and II (Teaching as Learning, Classroom as Community & Hall Chat: First Day Jitters)
- advice from faculty (Workshop & Wells & One Essay A Day)
- my favorite literary events around the city (The Dollhouse Reading Series #6)
- things to do in the summer & in winter.
And, of course, there’s writing about my writing (I know, so meta). I’ve already reflected, reminisced and (weeped, cried, screamed, laughed, sobbed, sniffled, bellowed). It’s all here–scattered throughout this blog.
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How lovely to have a record of this time in my life and to, in some respects, have created a small record for my cohort, for my family, my friends, for the program, and faculty. And, I say this again with so much pride: WE WERE THE FIRST CLASS AND I WAS ONE OF THE FIRST STUDENTS TO GRADUATE FROM THIS PROGRAM. And here it all is–well, most of it–I can’t divulge everything.
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And just like that, I’m off! (No weeping; can you believe it?!?!) I’ve enjoyed my time as the Nonfiction MFA Ambassador, and the opportunity to reflect, reminisce and all of the other delights that have come along with this job.
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Special thanks to the Graduate Admissions Office throughout the past three years–Cate, David, Jess, Todd, Sarah E., Sarah O., Kara and Caitlynn for all the help along the way, and to my fellow ambassadors–it was lovely to work with you all!
And to David, Jenny, Aviya, Madhurima, CM, Ames, Pegeen, Jennie, Adam, Jeffrey, and K.
My fam & friends back in San Diego and here in Chicago.
& to those lovely 8–my dearest cohort!
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And now, to pass on the torch, please join me in welcoming first-year Nonfiction MFA candidate, Stephanie Jurusz! Welcome to Marginalia, to Columbia, and to the Nonfiction MFA Program! I hope you enjoy this job and this blog as much as I have, and I wish you the best of luck! Cheers, cheers to reflection, to reminiscing, to delights, and to your own journey on Marginalia.
Sincerely yours,
Jenn Tatum (Nonfiction MFA Ambassador Sept 2010-August 2013)